
A Hole-In-One

On the eleventh hole at Vallee des Forts, Terry Gilead made that coveted feat, a hole-in-one. He accomplished what all golfers hope to get during the many years of playing the game

The ACRA Wednesday golfers salute "ACE" Gilead for his memorable shot.

On the green he was congratulated and welcomed into an elite group of golfers by Peter Yaworski.

There have been a few holes-in-one on Wednesdays:

Art Galardo, Mike Miller, Frank Altimas and John Fiorito


A Near Hole-In-One

Tony Barbieri came close to matching Terry Gilead's ace.

Playing at La Cite in Hawksbury in a foursome of Kevin Lukian, Bob DiFabio and Kevin Marciniak he came so close as the ball inched pased the hole.

The foursome did quite well by scoring 2 birdies and 2 pars on the 126 yard hole.


A Hole in One ???

John Tirelli wished to celebrate his hole-in-one with Terry Gilead.

Although not the traditional requirements for an ace, John claims; " a hole is a hole is a hole".